Nudist Naturist Movies
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Horror fans tend to associate horror movies with gratuitous nudity, but a study by Mr. Skin, a website that analyzes nudity in movies, found the horror movies typically have less nudity than other genres such as action, comedy, crime, and drama.
The prospective purchaser is invited to order his movies, stills or slides by the name of the model he prefers. He also may order a pocket movie viewer or a folding slide viewer with wallet "which you can keep in your pocket" for handy "on the spot" viewing. It is noted that "you must be over 21 to order".
Most of the text has implications similar to those in the language representing that each movie features "a different model in a varied assortment of unretouched front, side and back views" and asking that the customer "open up and see for yourself how our nude movies, photos and color slides will help you". The figures are referred to several times as "art nudes" and on the last page the circular says:
Plaintiff's argument that the per curiam decision of the Supreme Court in Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, 355 U.S. 372, 78 S. Ct. 365, 2 L. Ed. 2d 352, compels a holding that the circular now before me is not obscene is specious. The same argument was raised and rejected in Glanzman. It is plain that the Supreme Court in the Sunshine Book case did not give blanket approval to all material containing nude photographs. It held only that the magazine there under consideration, published by a bona fide group devoted to the cult of nudism, and containing pictures of nudists in the nude, was not obscene. There was no question of the sincerity of purpose of the publishers and the objective of the photographs and text was not an appeal to prurient interest. 2b1af7f3a8