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In order for Sacco to enter the West Bank, he is required by Israeli law to file an application to the Israeli army, which he does, and which is then denied. Instead, he is told that he must file a request for political asylum. The irony that a documentary about the subject might actually be denied the right to enter the country is a reflection of the international status of the Palestinian issue, and of the difficulty of obtaining entry for a foreigner, in the absence of an official diplomatic representation.
In the West Bank, he is treated with respect, and he is befriended by some Palestinians and Israelis. He visits Hebron, Jerusalem, Gaza, and Ramallah. He is able to see the horrific effects of the conflict that has gone on for decades. He is able to speak with Palestinians who have lost family members. One such person takes him to the site of the cemetery, which has been destroyed by Israeli forces. This story is told in a straightforward manner, depicting the effect the conflict has had on the people of the region. Sacco relates this directly and candidly.
He encounters active Israeli Jewish youth who see the conflict differently. His encounter with Israeli Jewish activists on the West Bank introduces Sacco to the daily life of the Palestinians. What he learns of the Palestinian refugee crisis is not something he anticipated. He is made aware of the terrible suffering of the Palestinian people and the long history of the Palestinian situation. He is also made aware of the fact that although all of the Israelis he meets are quite open about their viewpoint of the situation, some of the Palestinian youth he meets avoid any contact with him. They want nothing to do with him. This is made clear from the moment he boards the bus that will take him into the West Bank.
The narrative he has heard, and the one he himself received as a student, is that Israel is a true democracy. By contrast, Palestinians are labeled as extremists and terrorists. The use of anti-Semitism is rampant. Sacco's editorial response is to show the absurdity of the pro-Israel narrative. Nonetheless, he is not the first artist to produce a graphic novel on the subject of Israel/Palestine. The process of working with Israeli and Palestinian cartoonists in the international community for so long is hardly unique. It began in 1982 with the publication of the first Israeli/Palestinian cartoon contest and continues today. The contest in 1992, sponsored by the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, The Jewish National Fund, and The New Israel Fund, was won by the Palestinian cartoonists Ahmad Khaled and Ghada al-Sheikh.
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