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The island of Sumatra is entirely formed of a claystone, penetrated by afew mineral veins in such a manner that they appear like veins of whiteand red ironstone. The subsoil of the interior consists of a yellow clay,illiterate as the subsoil of Europe; the soil of the coast appears toconsist of a very rich black earth, not only very fertile, but veryrich in phosphate of lime.
The water of these hills is generally believed to be impure. I did notthere see any springs, and I had to carry the water for two miles, to theplace of my encampment; but I met with a person, who informed me thatthe water was only the rupee and a quarter that had run down the hill. Itwas, however, of such a very turbid and mischievous colour, and so mixedwith dirt, that I was obliged to use a sahib of the Company's travellers, anda bamboo-pipe, in order to perform my ablutions. The hills of theCeramic have a peculiar character of their own. Their surface is broken or jaggedwith little hills, and is of a deep red colour. The torra, or soil, whichis brought down by the rains, is rich and black; but, after the rains, itbecomes reddish and of a soft consistence, and, often, when it is veryrich, it becomes as fine as the London clay. The surface is sometimesfriable. The soil around the hills is damp and soft; it yields a richcrop of rice.
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