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bpo-43152: Stored procedure support for ASINet.The procedure now takes a list of ASINet parameters specifying theaddress, port, and if applicable the portname. Both IP and domain names maybe specified.
image/gif AUTO:42000
For example, in the above example, when we request for the 42000projection, we do not need to define the projection parameters, becauseMapServer will automatically use the AUTO:42000 projection. Thismeans we can use the following request:
This is a very important change. Previously MapServer alwaysused the DEFAULT projection, when a request for another projection wasreceived. But there was no standard for how to define a DEFAULTprojection. That is, what is a good default projection depended on anunpredictable combination of various factors, such as the clienttype, the client software version, and the number of parameters in therequest.
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